If you have paid for Studio Pass and are not able to see the recipes and videos at chefsteps.com/studiopass, this likely means that you are logged into chefsteps.com under a different email address than the one that was used at the time of purchase.
To see which email address you are logged in under, go to chefsteps.com and click on the circular avatar in the upper right-hand corner. Or, if you aren't already signed in, please do so using the same icon. (On mobile browsers, this is three little lines)
Then, you will see a drop-down menu. Click "Profile"
When the profile page opens, check to see if it is displaying the orange Studio Pass badge in the image below. If you do not see this, then click 'Edit Profile' and you will be able to see which email address you are logged in under.
If you do not see the Studio Pass badge and are not sure what email address (Or Apple ID login) you may have used when you purchased Studio Pass, please submit a support ticket and we can help track it down and get you logged in!
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