Joule App
- What email address do I use to log into the Joule app?
- Autostart is not showing up
- I have an Android. Why am I being asked to allow location access?
- Joule app version info and requirements.
- Can I use the Joule app without Joule?
- How do I rename my Joule?
- Looking for Joule's MAC address?
- How do I find original Joule's serial number?
- Have a question about notifications?
- How do I remove my Joule from the app?
- How do I sign out of my ChefSteps account?
- How do I control multiple Joules with a single account?
- How can I limit the amount of cellular data used by the Joule app?
- Where can I find a list of known issues?
- Why don’t videos autoplay when I’m not connected to WiFi?
- My update keeps failing. A little help?
- Why can’t I sign in?
- What does it mean to be Joule’s owner?
- Can I let someone else borrow Joule and use WiFi?
- How do I change the default temperature unit?
- How do I set a cooking temperature?
- How do I set a timer?
- What is a sous vide guide?
- My phone has run out of power! How can I stop my cook?